Digital Marketing Services for Home Care

Choose the Right Digital Marketing Plan for Your Home Care Agency

Digital marketing services from Mediastead are available in three plans, designed to fit your business now and in the future. Digital marketing is essential for home care agencies of all sizes. With the right plan, you can reach more potential clients, build your brand, and grow your business.

Mediastead offers three digital marketing plans to fit your needs:

Starter – New home care agencies, and those that are just beginning their digital marketing journey, need to start with the proper infrastructure. Services such as website design (or redesign), content creation, Google Business verification, foundational SEO, and basic reputation management set the groundwork for stability and growth.

Growth – This plan is designed specifically for agencies that want to grow their referral source and client base. The goal is to develop long-term relationships with referral sources and direct referral opportunities from current clients. This digital marketing plan strives to create repeat and referral business over the long term. The ultimate objective is growth and stability for your agency.

Mastery – Larger agencies find that caregiver recruitment becomes the biggest barrier to scaling their business. Demand for your services is high, but competition for top talent is even greater. Our Mastery Plan connects your sales and marketing team and your recruitment and retention staff to grow both elements of the business simultaneously.

Website Design, Hosting & Maintenance

Your website is the cornerstone of any plan for future growth. As such, we include website design services, along with advanced hosting and regular updates, with every digital marketing package. We want to make sure this critical component is optimized for your growth.

Your website is the cornerstone of any plan for future growth. As such, we include website design services, along with advanced hosting and regular updates, with every digital marketing package. We want to make sure this critical component is optimized for your growth.

Google Business Management

A Google Business profile is an absolute necessity for good search engine optimization. Getting your business verified and keeping your directory listing fresh is critical. Finally, Google Reviews are becoming increasingly important. We help you set up a process to capture positive reviews, and rapidly respond in the event of a negative review.

A Google Business profile is an absolute necessity for good search engine optimization. Getting your business verified and keeping your directory listing fresh is critical. Finally, Google Reviews are becoming increasingly important. We help you set up a process to capture positive reviews, and rapidly respond in the event of a negative review.

Fundamental Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization is a complex problem with multifaceted solutions. The most critical of these is a sound structure for presenting your most valuable content. Mediastead builds fundamental SEO strategies into every website we build. Furthermore, we help you identify gaps to address in future content marketing.

Search Engine Optimization is a complex problem with multifaceted solutions. The most critical of these is a sound structure for presenting your most valuable content. Mediastead builds fundamental SEO strategies into every website we build. Furthermore, we help you identify gaps to address in future content marketing.

Content Marketing

Mediastead uses a unique strategy that guides your content marketing efforts. We help you create a search engine strategy, and identify content that fills the gaps. Each level of Digital Marketing Management includes regular content creation. 

  • Foundation – One post monthly
  • Growth – biweekly posts
  • Mastery – weekly posts with one specifically targeting caregiver recruitment each month
We help you create a content strategy that will help you reach your target audience, rank higher in search engines, and generate more leads.

Email Marketing – Home Care Referral Sources

Email is still the most reliable method of creating high-value website traffic. Your posts become key content in regular campaigns that go to all current and prospective referral sources. Our goal is to keep you top of mind with regular interaction.

  • Foundation – One newsletter monthly
  • Growth and Mastery – two newsletters monthly
Our email marketing services for home care agencies help cultivate relationships with referral sources, ensuring your agency stays top of mind. We create regular newsletters to engage both current and potential sources, driving valuable website traffic. Additionally, we provide a caregiver newsletter to foster employee relationships and encourage past applicants to reconnect with your agency.

Email Marketing – Caregiver Newsletter

Mastery customers also receive a monthly caregiver newsletter. This not only goes to your current caregivers, but also to past caregivers and applicants that never finished the employment process. It cultivates the relationship with employees and may encourage some non-employees to try your agency again.

Mastery customers also receive a monthly caregiver newsletter. This not only goes to your current caregivers, but also to past caregivers and applicants that never finished the employment process. It cultivates the relationship with employees and may encourage some non-employees to try your agency again.

Reputation Management – YEXT

There are hundreds of website directories. Google Business, Facebook Reviews, Angi and Yelp are well known, but directories exist for every industry and every local marketplace. We’ve teamed up with YEXT to help you get listed, and keep your important business data up to date. When your business is listed on a variety of reputable websites, it signals to potential customers that you are a legitimate and established business. This can help to build trust and credibility, which can lead to more positive reviews and a better reputation overall. For Growth and Mastery clients, YEXT is included at no charge. For Foundational clients it’s available at $49 monthly.

The YEXT service also integrates directly with our LeadConnector platform

There are hundreds of website directories. Google Business, Facebook Reviews, Angi and Yelp are well known, but directories exist for every industry and every local marketplace. We’ve teamed up with YEXT to help you get listed, and keep your important business data up to date. When your business is listed on a variety of reputable…

LeadConnector for Home Care Marketers

LeadConnector is Mediastead’s marketing automation platform. This powerful platform (with accompanying mobile app) allows your marketers to organize contacts, schedule appointments, and cultivate new leads using several services that integrate into automated workflows, which are customized to your business and the needs of your marketers.

Our platform and app is included at no additional charge to Growth Accelerator and Pinnacle Performance clients. Mediastead will manage your marketing automation entirely, and provide training for your sales team on use of the mobile app.

[Watch for our upcoming book “The 30-Day Client Onboarding Playbook” due out this fall.]

LeadConnector as a DIY platform is available to Foundational clients for $297/monthly if you’re interested in getting started with marketing automation. Training is included at no additional charge.

LeadConnector is Mediastead’s marketing automation platform. This powerful platform (with accompanying mobile app) allows your marketers to organize contacts, schedule appointments, and cultivate new leads using several services that integrate into automated workflows, which are customized to your business and the needs of your marketers. Our platform and app is included at no additional charge…

Referral Source and HR Hotlines

Mediastead will help you set up “hotlines” to make sure your referral sources and employee applicants get connected to sales or recruiting in seconds. Combined with the power of LeadConnector, these virtual phone numbers can be routed directly to the mobile phone of the appropriate staff member WITHOUT disclosing their personal number.

Hotlines have a nominal fee, which is a fraction of the cost of providing company-owned devices. Hotlines are available to any agency using the LeadConnector platform.

Mediastead will help you set up “hotlines” to make sure your referral sources and employee applicants get connected to sales or recruiting in seconds. Combined with the power of LeadConnector, these virtual phone numbers can be routed directly to the mobile phone of the appropriate staff member WITHOUT disclosing their personal number. Hotlines have a…

LeadConnector for Home Care Recruiters

Recruiting has required many HR departments to become marketing experts. This is the reason Mediastead has developed a second version of LeadConnector specifically for recruiters and HR staff responsible for retention. With our mobile app and desktop platform, your recruiters can initiate meaningful interactions with potential applicants in minutes, and follow them through the entire onboarding process. Additionally, the recruiter platform enhances communication through the lifetime of employment, resulting in greater caregiver retention.

The “Recruiters” platform is only available to Mastery clients.

[Watch for our upcoming book, “The 90-Day Caregiver Onboarding Playbook”, available this fall.]

LeadConnector as a DIY platform is available to Foundational clients for $297/monthly if you’re interested in getting started with marketing automation. Training is included at no additional charge.

Recruiting has required many HR departments to become marketing experts. This is the reason Mediastead has developed a second version of LeadConnector specifically for recruiters and HR staff responsible for retention. With our mobile app and desktop platform, your recruiters can initiate meaningful interactions with potential applicants in minutes, and follow them through the entire…

Social Media Management

All plans include pushing your marketing content across all of your social media outlets. If you need assistance setting up or optimizing new outlets, our social media experts are available.

Mastery plans include a robust 3 posts/week insertion plan. Your company will be promoted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. One post per week will be dedicated to caregiver recruitment.

All plans include pushing your marketing content across all of your social media outlets. If you need assistance setting up or optimizing new outlets, our social media experts are available. Mastery plans include a robust 3 posts/week insertion plan. Your company will be promoted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google every Monday, Wednesday, and…

Online Advertising Management

Search ads, display ads, and native advertising are all available through Mediastead. We can purchase ads on your behalf through Google, Meta (Facebook & Instagram), LinkedIn and across the Outbrain network. For Mastery clients, management fees are waived on the first $5000 of advertising across all platforms. (A $750 value)

Search ads, display ads, and native advertising are all available through Mediastead. We can purchase ads on your behalf through Google, Meta (Facebook & Instagram), LinkedIn and across the Outbrain network. For Mastery clients, management fees are waived on the first $5000 of advertising across all platforms. (A $750 value)

Search Engine Marketing

Combining SEO with search engine advertising, Mediastead will help you generate more traffic to your website organically or through paid search.

Combining SEO with search engine advertising, Mediastead will help you generate more traffic to your website organically or through paid search.

Advanced Search Engine Optimization Strategy

Mastery clients get quarterly SEO audits, where our SEO team will identify areas to improve and benchmark your progress. Our team also compiles critical data that presents the results of our efforts in an easy-to-digest format.

Mastery clients get quarterly SEO audits, where our SEO team will identify areas to improve and benchmark your progress. Our team also compiles critical data that presents the results of our efforts in an easy-to-digest format.

Monthly Growth Strategy Sessions

Your executive team will meet with the Mediastead team leader assigned to your agency every month. Marketing and recruitment are long-term strategies with short-term efforts. These sessions will assure that your growth goals are addressed, and that our process is clear. Furthermore you will be able to easily assess ROI and see your data benchmarked against our entire client base.

Growth Strategy sessions with Jason Tweed or Michael Rapino are included with the Growth and Mastery plans monthly at no charge. Consultations for other clients are available at $600/session on an as needed basis.

Your executive team will meet with the Mediastead team leader assigned to your agency every month. Marketing and recruitment are long-term strategies with short-term efforts. These sessions will assure that your growth goals are addressed, and that our process is clear. Furthermore you will be able to easily assess ROI and see your data benchmarked…

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a hot topic in digital marketing. It involves the process of improving the percentage of visitors to a website who take a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. While there are many agencies that offer CRO services, not all of them are created equal. Some agencies may only be able to do simple A/B testing with your email or website, while others may have the expertise and experience to truly optimize your digital marketing. If you’re serious about CRO, it’s important to do your research and choose an agency that has a proven track record of success.

At Mediastead, we help home care agencies improve their conversion rate by providing access to advanced insights and data. We can help you understand your customers, identify trends, and create effective marketing campaigns. We also have a large database of data from our clients, which we can use to compare and contrast your success individually. Rest assured that any data used from our broad client base will be kept confidential.

Mediastead’s data pool can provide a number of benefits for home care agencies. Imagine being tapped into a growing collection of home care agency data that can help you improve your conversion rate more quickly and efficiently. By pooling data across multiple agencies, we can run more efficient A/B tests, improve conversion rates, and get more leads and qualified staff. Additionally, by having access to more data, agencies can make better decisions about their marketing campaigns, which can lead to improved results.

Our goal is to refine better marketing and recruiting based on best practices across up to 700 agencies nationwide. Furthermore, due to our non-compete practices, you can be assured that none of your competitors in your local market will have access to the same data.

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a hot topic in digital marketing. It involves the process of improving the percentage of visitors to a website who take a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. While there are many agencies that offer CRO services, not all of them are created…

Website Design, Hosting & Maintenance

Your website is the cornerstone of any plan for future growth. As such, we include website design services, along with advanced hosting and regular updates, with every digital marketing package. We want to make sure this critical component is optimized for your growth.

Google Business Management

A Google Business profile is an absolute necessity for good search engine optimization. Getting your business verified and keeping your directory listing fresh is critical. Finally, Google Reviews are becoming increasingly important. We help you set up a process to capture positive reviews, and rapidly respond in the event of a negative review.

Fundamental Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization is a complex problem with multifaceted solutions. The most critical of these is a sound structure for presenting your most valuable content. Mediastead builds fundamental SEO strategies into every website we build. Furthermore, we help you identify gaps to address in future content marketing.

Content Marketing

Mediastead uses a unique strategy that guides your content marketing efforts. We help you create a search engine strategy, and identify content that fills the gaps. Each level of Digital Marketing Management includes regular content creation. 

  • Foundation – One post monthly
  • Growth – biweekly posts
  • Mastery – weekly posts with one specifically targeting caregiver recruitment each month

Email Marketing – Home Care Referral Sources

Email is still the most reliable method of creating high-value website traffic. Your posts become key content in regular campaigns that go to all current and prospective referral sources. Our goal is to keep you top of mind with regular interaction.

  • Foundation – One newsletter monthly
  • Growth and Mastery – two newsletters monthly

Email Marketing – Caregiver Newsletter

Mastery customers also receive a monthly caregiver newsletter. This not only goes to your current caregivers, but also to past caregivers and applicants that never finished the employment process. It cultivates the relationship with employees and may encourage some non-employees to try your agency again.

Reputation Management – YEXT

There are hundreds of website directories. Google Business, Facebook Reviews, Angi and Yelp are well known, but directories exist for every industry and every local marketplace. We’ve teamed up with YEXT to help you get listed, and keep your important business data up to date. When your business is listed on a variety of reputable websites, it signals to potential customers that you are a legitimate and established business. This can help to build trust and credibility, which can lead to more positive reviews and a better reputation overall. For Growth and Mastery clients, YEXT is included at no charge. For Foundational clients it’s available at $49 monthly.

The YEXT service also integrates directly with our LeadConnector platform

LeadConnector for Home Care Marketers

LeadConnector is Mediastead’s marketing automation platform. This powerful platform (with accompanying mobile app) allows your marketers to organize contacts, schedule appointments, and cultivate new leads using several services that integrate into automated workflows, which are customized to your business and the needs of your marketers.

Our platform and app is included at no additional charge to Growth Accelerator and Pinnacle Performance clients. Mediastead will manage your marketing automation entirely, and provide training for your sales team on use of the mobile app.

[Watch for our upcoming book “The 30-Day Client Onboarding Playbook” due out this fall.]

LeadConnector as a DIY platform is available to Foundational clients for $297/monthly if you’re interested in getting started with marketing automation. Training is included at no additional charge.

Referral Source and HR Hotlines

Mediastead will help you set up “hotlines” to make sure your referral sources and employee applicants get connected to sales or recruiting in seconds. Combined with the power of LeadConnector, these virtual phone numbers can be routed directly to the mobile phone of the appropriate staff member WITHOUT disclosing their personal number.

Hotlines have a nominal fee, which is a fraction of the cost of providing company-owned devices. Hotlines are available to any agency using the LeadConnector platform.

LeadConnector for Home Care Recruiters

Recruiting has required many HR departments to become marketing experts. This is the reason Mediastead has developed a second version of LeadConnector specifically for recruiters and HR staff responsible for retention. With our mobile app and desktop platform, your recruiters can initiate meaningful interactions with potential applicants in minutes, and follow them through the entire onboarding process. Additionally, the recruiter platform enhances communication through the lifetime of employment, resulting in greater caregiver retention.

The “Recruiters” platform is only available to Mastery clients.

[Watch for our upcoming book, “The 90-Day Caregiver Onboarding Playbook”, available this fall.]

LeadConnector as a DIY platform is available to Foundational clients for $297/monthly if you’re interested in getting started with marketing automation. Training is included at no additional charge.

Social Media Management

All plans include pushing your marketing content across all of your social media outlets. If you need assistance setting up or optimizing new outlets, our social media experts are available.

Mastery plans include a robust 3 posts/week insertion plan. Your company will be promoted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. One post per week will be dedicated to caregiver recruitment.

Online Advertising Management

Search ads, display ads, and native advertising are all available through Mediastead. We can purchase ads on your behalf through Google, Meta (Facebook & Instagram), LinkedIn and across the Outbrain network. For Mastery clients, management fees are waived on the first $5000 of advertising across all platforms. (A $750 value)

Search Engine Marketing

Combining SEO with search engine advertising, Mediastead will help you generate more traffic to your website organically or through paid search.

Advanced Search Engine Optimization Strategy

Mastery clients get quarterly SEO audits, where our SEO team will identify areas to improve and benchmark your progress. Our team also compiles critical data that presents the results of our efforts in an easy-to-digest format.

Monthly Growth Strategy Sessions

Your executive team will meet with the Mediastead team leader assigned to your agency every month. Marketing and recruitment are long-term strategies with short-term efforts. These sessions will assure that your growth goals are addressed, and that our process is clear. Furthermore you will be able to easily assess ROI and see your data benchmarked against our entire client base.

Growth Strategy sessions with Jason Tweed or Michael Rapino are included with the Growth and Mastery plans monthly at no charge. Consultations for other clients are available at $600/session on an as needed basis.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a hot topic in digital marketing. It involves the process of improving the percentage of visitors to a website who take a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. While there are many agencies that offer CRO services, not all of them are created equal. Some agencies may only be able to do simple A/B testing with your email or website, while others may have the expertise and experience to truly optimize your digital marketing. If you’re serious about CRO, it’s important to do your research and choose an agency that has a proven track record of success.

At Mediastead, we help home care agencies improve their conversion rate by providing access to advanced insights and data. We can help you understand your customers, identify trends, and create effective marketing campaigns. We also have a large database of data from our clients, which we can use to compare and contrast your success individually. Rest assured that any data used from our broad client base will be kept confidential.

Mediastead’s data pool can provide a number of benefits for home care agencies. Imagine being tapped into a growing collection of home care agency data that can help you improve your conversion rate more quickly and efficiently. By pooling data across multiple agencies, we can run more efficient A/B tests, improve conversion rates, and get more leads and qualified staff. Additionally, by having access to more data, agencies can make better decisions about their marketing campaigns, which can lead to improved results.

Our goal is to refine better marketing and recruiting based on best practices across up to 700 agencies nationwide. Furthermore, due to our non-compete practices, you can be assured that none of your competitors in your local market will have access to the same data.

Digital Marketing Plans

Looking to grow your home care agency? Our digital marketing plans can help you build better relationships with referral sources, reach more potential clients, and attract qualified caregivers.

Starter Growth Mastery
Website Design, Hosting & Maintenance
Google Business Management
Fundamental SEO
Content Marketing, Optimized Blog Posts Monthly Biweekly Weekly
Email newsletter to referral sources Monthly Biweekly Biweekly
Email newsletter to employees Monthly
YEXT Directory Listing Service
LeadConnector for Marketers
Referral Source Hotline
LeadConnector for Recruiters
HR Hotline
Online Advertising Management
Social Media Management Monthly Biweekly 3 Posts/week
Advanced SEO Strategy
Monthly Growth Strategy Sessions
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
30-Day Client Onboarding Playbook
90-Day Employee Onboarding Playbook